People Who Speak Before They Think


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People who speak before they think: We have this one broad who sits at least 8 cubicles away from me yet I STILL have to hear every random neural firing she has. It is like a live broadcast direct from the land of tiny brained people because she does not possess the filter between the brain and the mouth, that is responsible for eeking out minor inconsequential thoughts like "Oh my God, I think I see a piece of paper I have been looking for! Yep! That's it! The exact piece of paper. Sometimes I lose a piece of paper, and I see a similar piece somewhere else and I think it is what I am looking for, you know cause it's so similar, but it's not, but this is not the case this time because THIS IS THE EXACT PIECE OF PAPER I LOST!"


If this is the caliber of people we have working in our nation's postal offices it would go a long way towards explaining the killing sprees by seemingly rational intelligent people we keep seeing.


Let me give you another one, the aforementioned bimbo will pick up the phone for our customer service line and there will be no one there. This happens because people call customer care once, get done, hang up, and put the phone in their pockets or something similar to that, and hit the redial button without realizing it. A normal person would realize after 10 seconds that no one is there and would hang up after a reasonable amount of time, but oh no, not Ms. Junior Mensa Card Holder over there. Actual transcript from one-sided conversation:


"Thanks for calling Customer Care, this is Persephonie may I get your account # please?"


"Customer please respond"


"Customer are you there?"


"Customer please respond" (repeat 5 more times)


"Customer if you do not respond within ten more seconds I will end this call"


"Ending call, thank you for calling Customer Care"


Now who in the hell is she thanking? The person who is not there? The dead air? Why is she thanking someone who is not even there to hear it? If she absolutely has to say something, why not say "Thanks for NOT calling Customer Care" as that would be a more appropriate closing.


But no, she will keep on thanking non-existent customers for the rest of her natural life. And is anyone gonna do anything about it? Hell no, because we live in America where stupid people are allowed to say ANYTHING they want without regard for the rest of us who have to listen to it. They are allowed on OUR streets in their damned SUV's, baby on board bumper stickers, and their fucking ten speeds on public streets.



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